The botox injections help reduce the appearance of winkles, it also helps to get a relaxed and smother look, it decreases the ability to frown or squint and this prevents getting more lines by expressions. Artecoll, Restylene, and Teosyal are wrinkle fillers used to smooth deeper winkles. They help push the outward making fuller skin and less noticeable wrinkles.

Facial Fillers
Facial Filler are used to provide volume to the face and to correct the sings of aging. Facial filler helps to eliminate lines and wrinkles and offers volume in certain areas of the face. There are different types of fillers according to the needs of each patient, from filling fine lines, fill nasolabial folds or volume in cheeks and lips.
Dr. Gaxiola can advise you which one is right for you. The fillers lasts about 9 or 12 months.

CO2 Fraccionated Laser
Co2 Fractionated laser Therapy offers the ultimate in skin rejuvenation in just under an hour for most treatments. Co2 Therapy is ideal for the treatment of sun damage, brown spots, fine lines, wrinkles, skin laxity/texture and acne scars. Not only does the Co2 offer amazing results, but it does so safely and quickly with little downtime. The secret is out and the benefits of Co2Therapy speak for themselves:
- Minimal downtime
- Rapid healing
- Quick procedure
- Low risk
- Accurate results
- Customized treatment
- Minimally invasive
- Renewed skin
- Treatment of multiple issues at once
- Little or no anesthesia
What Will co2 Therapy Do for Me?
If you have spent years in the sun, especially without adequate sun protection, then you know what it can do to your skin. Wrinkles, skin discoloration, sun spots, skin laxity may be reduced or eliminated with Co2 Therapy. Also, if you have scars from acne or other skin injuries, then you may also be a candidate for this procedure. Now, using Co2
Therapy, an innovative, new laser technology, less than 30 minutes in your doctor’s office may restore your skin’s youthful appearance. While the aging process cannot be stopped, with proper care you can maintain your rejuvenated skin’s appearance for many years!
CO2 benefits
Minimal recovery time (3-5 days), Rapid healing due to Co2 pattern, Adjustable settings to achieve customized treatment, Minimal discomfort, No bleeding, Target various types of damage, Treat beyond the face (eyelids, neck, hands) and No adverse reactions.
How Does Co2 Therapy Work?
Co2 Therapy Laser Skin Rejuvenation. The secret is out.
- Reverse the appearance of aged and sun damaged skin
- Improve texture and firmness
- Smooth wrinkles and lines
- Reduce the appearance of acne, actinic keratosis and other scars
- Renew your skin

Laser Hair Removal
Hair is a unique feature of mammals and their main function is to protect the skin from external agents. The hair cycle is not synchronized in humans, usually most of our hair is in the growth phase, and a minority in the transition and resting phases of the cycle. The growth phase is longer than the other phases.
Currently there are many ways to remove hair that we have in our body, but so far the best way for their effectiveness is laser hair removal.
Laser to remove hair, acts as follows: The hair contains melanin, which is what gives it color. When the light beam with a given wavelength and intensity, interacts with the hair, the applied light energy is absorbed by the melanin transformed into heat, resulting in the destruction of the hair bulb without affecting the surrounding tissues. As the laser only acts on dark areas by melanin, it is not efficient for white or very light hair.
To apply, first shave the hair from the area to be treated, depending on skin type and hair of patient parameters are adjusted to obtain the best results.
The treatment produces minimum discomfort, most patients report the treatment as a series of small tweaks or heat in the skin , which includes a cooling system that reduces the feeling of discomfort.
Can be used in both men and women in any area of the body, abdomen, underarms, arms, face, neck, back, buttocks, hands, chest, legs, feet, etc.
It is completely safe, skin-friendly and does not harm the sebaceous glands and sweat. Today is the most performed non-invasive treatment.
It is not carcinogenic because the light emitted is within the range of visible light and infrared.
Fix skin problems as “folliculitis” and “ingrown hair”
Leaves smooth, soft and rejuvenated skin by the stimulating effect of light on collagen.
In women with hormonal problems, is the best solution to reduce excess hair.
After the Treatment
- Apply aloe vera cream or gel if the treated área is very dry.
- Use sunblock with FPS 15 or more every 2-4 hours at least 3 times a day.
- Do not shave the área until 2 weeks after the treatment.

Chemical Peeling
Involves the application of a chemical product that exfoliates and removes old and damaged cells and is replaced by new skin regenerated, soft and smooth, with less marks and wrinkles. The peel can be superficial, medium or deep, depending on skin type and the problem we need to fix.
Used to improve the appearance of sun-damaged skin, reduce wrinkles, improve acne scars or chicken pox, and removes or reduces stains . Depending on the power of penetration of the chemical, will remove more layers of skin. It can be deeper but also more risky. They are used mainly in the skin of the face.

Is a method for facial rejuvenation that uses a mechanical medium for exfoliation along with adjustable suction to sweep away the outermost layer of dead skin cells from the epidermis.
Microdermabrasion can be done to decrease the appearance of superficial hyper pigmentation, photo-damage, diminish fine lines, wrinkles, and shallow acne scars which helps to even out the texture. Removing the dead skin will aid in the penetration of skin care products by up to 50% and makeup will go on much more smoothly.

Post Operatory Ultrasound Therapy
Ultrasonic therapy is done through ultrasound devices emitting non-audible sound by vibrating at a frequency of between 1 and 3 Mhz. According to the desired penetration, the professional in charge of projecting the ultrasound, will manage the frequency by increasing or decreasing in a time ranging from 5 to 25 minutes minutes depending on the area being treated.
This technique can be performed after 10 days of the surgery. While at first using the pulsed emission at low intensities, a few weeks later can be done at acontinuous emission with a stronger intensity.

Lymphatic Drainage
The MLD (Manual Lymphatic Drainage) is a gentle massage technique that does not traumatize the tissue and promotes deflation.
The MLD is a specific technique of manual activation of drainage and fluids from the tissues and lymph vessels. Lymph is a clear liquid that contains certain elements among them include a self-cells called lymphocytes.
The most important benefits are stimulating the body fluids, immune system stimulation and parasympathetic nervous system stimulation (relaxing and antispasmodic effect)
The MLD is an important treatment for the post operatory care because it`s a technique that improves the lymphatic circulation used to eliminate bruises.

The sclerotherapy is a medical procedure used to treat blood vessels and spider vains. Involves an injection of a solution directly into the varicose vein, is a proven procedure, used since the 30s to treat varicose veins.
Sclerotherapy works well for most patients An estimated of 50% to 80% of injected veins may be eliminated with each session.

Bioplasty is the name of an infiltrative procedure, wherein substances are used in order to increase the volume of certain areas of the body and face.
The material is injected into the patient through a cannula used in medicine and also microscopiccannulas and ultrafine needles, when the method is less invasive. Although it should be done by specialized medical professionals, cosmetologists non specialized doctors often apply it too.

Non Surgical Nose Job
It is the best solution so that it is not necessary to undergo surgery, that is, it is like rhinoplasty without surgery.
In the event that the patient complies with the ideal profile to make certain changes in his nose and is afraid of the operating room, it is preferable that he opts for rhomodelation. To qualify for this type of treatment, the patient must not have many imperfections or very marked, but what you have to comply is that your nose has small details, for example, a bulge.
It is, therefore, a stylization process of the nose without complications of any kind. The procedure to carry out the rinomodelación entails a series of phases. To begin with, the responsible physician will fill the patient’s nose with products derived from Hyaluronic Acid.
Then, the doctor will shape the nose so that it is in harmony with the rest of the features of the face. In fact, here comes one of the advantages of this type of technique, as it will not be necessary to use bandages as is the case with rhinoplasty.

It’s important that the patient follow the medical prescription of post-operative care.
How Visible Will Rhinoplasty Scars Be?
While it is true that as a result of all surgery there are scars, and the nose is not the exception, it will depend on the medical indication and the technique to follow that they remain hidden or visible.
Open Rhinoplasty and Closed Rhinoplasty.
Closed rhinoplasty: In this type of nasal approach the incisions are internal, therefore the scars are not visible.
Open Rhinoplasty: Although most of the incisions are internal, there is a mid-level incision of the columella, which serves to lift the mucocutaneous nasal flap and thus exposing the nasal structures.
How Long Will Recovering After Surgery Take?
In most cases, patients can return to their daily occupations within 8 to 10 days.
Postoperative Complications
The appearance of swelling and bruising in the intervened area is frequent, manifestations that subside after a week.
If the postoperative period is good, recovery will also be
In general, for the recovery to be as fast as possible it is important to follow to the letter the advice given by the doctor in each specific case. This implies that you have to have a little patience, because until the recovery is not total the patient will not be able to fully return to normal life and will be limited when doing certain things.
The normal thing is that in a period of four to six weeks the nose is fully recovered and can already perform all kinds of activities. Yes, it is recommended to apply daily quality sunscreen in the area until at least three months have passed since the operation.
10 Post-operative Care of Rhinoplasty
1.Follow a proper diet: It is very normal that nausea and even vomiting may appear during the 24 hours following the operation due to anesthesia. To reduce this type of discomfort to the maximum, it is advisable to make a liquid diet during the first day: soups, purées, infusions … From the second day the patient can recover little by little his normal diet depending on how they improve the stomach discomfort. After the intervention, analgesics for pain are usually prescribed; It is important not to take them on an empty stomach, since they can cause nausea and damage the stomach.
2. Make absolute rest: That rhinoplasty is not a large operation does not mean that you do not have to rest. During the first 24 hours the rest must be absolute, and in the following 15 days a moderate rest must be carried out, avoiding the activities that imply an intense physical effort.
3. Do not blow your nose: Patients who are going to undergo rhinoplasty have many doubts about whether or not they can blow their noses. The specialists advise not to do it after the operation until after two weeks to avoid that some hemorrhage can take place. As much as possible, you also have to avoid laughing, crying or gesturing with your face. Sneezing is something totally inevitable, but as long as the recovery lasts it must always be done with an open mouth. This reduces pressure and prevents bleeding.
4. Perform nasal washes: The use of sea water for cleaning the nose is the best alternative to reduce the discomfort caused by internal wounds and scabs. In addition, this treatment helps, at the same time, to keep the nostrils hydrated.
5. Do not be overwhelmed with nasal congestion: It is normal that after an operation of this type appears nasal congestion. Decongestant sprays can be used, but only those that have been indicated by the specialist and following their indications to the letter. If the patient notices any discomfort, such as dryness, itching or sneezing, you should consult your doctor quickly.
6.Beber water to avoid dry mouth: While the nose is plugged with the splints or plugs, the patient will have to breathe through the mouth, which can increase the dryness of this area. To reduce this annoying symptom it is best to drink water frequently.
7. Use a humidifier: The dryness in the nose and mouth is very normal after a rhinoplasty intervention. A simple way to alleviate this problem is to use a humidifier, especially at night. Decongestant substances such as menthol or eucalyptus can be added to the water of this device.
8.Follow medical prescriptions: Self-medication is always bad, but it is especially dangerous after an operation. The patient who has undergone rhinoplasty should not take more medications than those prescribed by his surgeon.
If the patient has some type of disease or pathology that makes it necessary to take other drugs, you should consult the subject with the surgeon before the operation.
9. Accepting emotional changes during the postoperative period: It is relatively common for those who undergo an operation to suffer a brief period of depression after surgery. It is normal due to the swollen appearance of the face, the discomfort of recovery and the limited that the patient sees, sometimes, to make his normal life during the first weeks.
The problem usually disappears as the recovery progresses, but if this emotional state does not improve after a few weeks it is advisable to go to a specialist.
10. Acquire the surgeon in case of emergency: The surgeon will inform the patient of the effects that are normal after the operation, as well as those that are not. If a problem appears in the eyesight, the patient suffers severe pain that does not remit with antibiotics, has a fever above 37.5 degrees or suffers watery and clear secretions, you must see the doctor immediately.